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112 Boronia Road
Don't forget to follow The Pancake Parlour Knox City to stay updated with their latest deal.
For all your Real Estate needs both Rental and Sales, get in contact with Brenton and the team at Barry Plant Rowville by a mother and daughter's love for making fun cocktails. A way to bring us together and give a hand to those in need. We encourage you to use 'THE QUARANTINI' book as a conversation to reach out for help. **ALL PROCEEDS GO TO CHARITY Company: Burgers, Brew and BBQ
These guys have supported us for years, and now it's time to get behind them.
They are still trading for take away if you are lucky enough to be within 5km of them (They are close to Kilysth so some of you sneak in) - but they also deliver and will quote you a price when you order.
A HUGE thanks to Graeme, Kate and John for their ongoing support of the club.
Do you Need a Personal Assistant to help?
Danni can help with managing your crammed calendar, organising meetings, completing your banking and travel arrangements? Updating social media accounts, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Looking for a unique Christmas gift. Head across to Maychains & Co on Instagram to organise a gorgeous gift for your loved ones. in touch with James for all your heating and cooling needs Plumbing Plus are ready to help with all your plumbing needs.
Dont forget plumbers are able to work for emergencies during lockdown. Bennett - so get in touch for your tiling need.
http://PHONE: 0418 565 454